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1069 2022-10-28
欧洲议会成员同意了一个有争议的监管,可以损坏欧盟的涣散金融(Defi)部分。其一些规矩,没有与其他欧洲组织和谐,旨在为私家办理加密钱包的买卖进行限制性办法。欧议会行动向欧洲议会经济和钱银业务委员会(ECON)委员会引进审理委员会(ECON)的核对周四资金监管(TFR)搬运。在其他条款中,TFR答应加密服务提供商在加密钱银上请求严厉的反洗钱办法,包含往复于“未冻结”的钱包。一大大都ECON成员支撑需求加密渠道的文本,运用金融组织验证和同享买卖数据。依据德国加密新闻出口BTC Echo的陈述,该程序适用于从1,000欧元的搬运,但新闻稿指出,作为Crypto买卖通常是依据阈值的规矩,“因而,MEPS决议去除最小阈值和低价值搬运的豁免。“在TFR下,一切加密搬运都必须包含辨认财物
源和收件人的信息。草案的作者期望保证假如被视为可疑,则可以追溯和阻挠此类买卖。可是,“规矩不适用于没有提供者的人员搬运,例如比特币买卖渠道,或许代表自己的提供者,”议会的新闻服务指出。加热,加密买卖的处理器将是可以中止源自或发送给不合规的提供商的搬运。依据支撑的另一条规矩也是如此。法规也通过了公民自由, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) committee. The official announcement suggesting that the new rules are designed to stop illicit flows in the EU provided the lawmakers' main motive noting:Crypto-assets' transfers would need to be traced and identified to prevent their use in money laundering, terrorist financing, and other crimes.TFR Decision Viewed by Industry as Setback for Europe's Crypto SpaceIf it's not challenged, the draft will move to the trilogue stage, the next phase of the EU's legislative process, during which it must be agreed upon with the European Commission and the Council of欧盟。 The institutions are also discussing the Markets in Crypto Assets (MiCA) framework proposal, which recently advanced without its own controversial text that would have effectively prohibited proof-of-work (PoW) currencies like bitcoin.Just like the PoW ban, the TFR paragraphs sparked negative reactions from the Old Continent’s crypto community. “The obligation to verify unhosted wallets is not only a serious invasion of people’s privacy, but would also have serious consequences for the defi ecosystem in Europe,” said Peter Grosskopf, co-founder of Unstoppable Finance.Industry watchers not only consider these regulations an attempt to ban unhosted wallets and restrict the defi sector, but also warn that Europe’s prospects as a crypto destination are under threat. The new rules would significantly restrict the scope of business operations for many companies in the crypto sector. Grosskopf described the move as a “huge economic, financial and social setback for the defi space.”Tags in this storyBitcoin, crypto wallets, Cryptocurrency, DeFi, ECON, EU, Europe, european commission, European Parliament, European Union, lawmakers, LIBE, members, MiCA, Regulation, Regulations, rules crypto, TFR, unhosted wallets, 钱包你期望布鲁塞尔的组织选用严厉的加密法规吗?请在下面的谈论部分告知咱们。Lubomir Tassev Lubomir Tassev是一位来自Tech-Savvy Eastern Europe的记者,他喜爱Hitchens的报价:“作为一名作家是我所在的,而不是我所做的。”除了加密,区块链条和金融气,世界政治和经济学是其他两种创意来历。